Auxiliary, Whitefield Fire Department

The Auxiliary shall provide support to the fire department and its members, coordinating needs with the Fire Chief, Deputy Chief or their designees.

Support may include providing refreshments during emergency and training events, promoting the department with outreach and recruitment events, applying for grants, and staffing the fire department warming center as needed.

Meetings are held at the Central Fire Station, 24 Townhouse Road on second Wednesday of the month at 6:30 pm.

If you would have an interest to volunteer, in any way, for this committee, contact Jeanne Shaw by the email provided below.


Whitefield Fire Auxiliary Members

Chief Beau (Richard Beausoleil)

Chief Jesse Barton

Charlene Donahue - Chair

Kip Glidden

Laurie Glidden

Leslie Gomes

Frank Ober

Cathy Sell

Louis Sell

Jeanne Shaw - [email protected]

Phil Yund